I should probably be working on a paper or Greek but instead I decided it was time for a new blog layout. Did some searching and came across this layout. After a little tweaking I think I'm quite happy with it. Still gotta figure out why my heading disappears if I go off the main paige though. hmmm
In other news my roommate Liz's jewelry is being sold at 15 Ounce Denim. Friday evening there is a Holiday Walk going on between some of the boutiques in the area and 15 House Denim will be doing a meet the artist event for Liz. See more info here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160909387280806 You can also view some of her jewelry here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/simplyMeedesigns
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Free Stuff
My roommates are notorious for their ability to get free stuff, especially Liz. For example, Liz recently got 180 vitamin waters for close to free if not free. She also recently got paid 18 cents for a purchase of some razors. It's quite impressive, really, just how good she is at this. Well, earlier this year we heard that a new Chick-Fil-A was opening down Bardstown Rd. in the Fern Creek area. When a new Chick-Fil-A opens 100 people plus 10 alternates get to camp out to win free Chick-Fil-A once a week for a year. If more than 100 people show up then they do a raffle to see who gets to camp out. We prepared yesterday for this, acquiring a tent, flashlights, blankets, etc. and woke up at 4:30 this morning to get dressed and head down there. 175 people showed up, so a raffle was done and one by one numbers were called out. Sharon's number was called out fairly early and Liz was called out somewhere in the 60s. Sadly my number 9962 was never called out. Almost every number around me was called as were 9952 and 9972, but not mine. At least 2 out of the 3 of us were drawn, so that's a little over 100 Chick-Fil-A coupons in our apt, and once again I'm impressed at my roommates' abilities to get free stuff. I did get coupons for 2 free sandwiches and 2 free chicken biscuits so at least there was a consolation prize for those of us who got up early but were the unlucky 65 who did not get drawn. Maybe one day I'll master this whole free stuff thing like my roommates. They have inspired me.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We got this.
"We got this," is the phrase currently being repeated right now at my apartment by my roommates and me. It's almost 1:30a.m. and I should be typing a book review instead of a blog post...however I'm here. We were debating if we should switch from "we got this" to "this too shall pass." I'm going to keep repeating "we got this," for now...it seems more positive and I need positive right now.
This too shall pass.
We got this.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Calm Before the Storm
The past couple of weeks have been a pretty nice, refreshing calm for me. Fall break was a needed week off, and I loved having some time to spend at home. I always enjoy a trip home to MS. I got to hang out with my family and catch up with some college friends which was nice.
This past week has also been pretty refreshing. Getting back into school work was a little tough, but it was really a pretty easy week, which thankfully allowed me to ease back into it. Wednesday I went on a run at Cherokee park to help prepare for the 5k I ran this morning. (Finished in a little under 30 min and ran the whole thing. I felt pretty good about that. I've got a long way to go before I'm ready for my half marathon in April though.) The run at Cherokee was what I like to call a humbling run, but I enjoyed my time there. After my run I spent some time exploring with my camera. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day.
This past week has also been pretty refreshing. Getting back into school work was a little tough, but it was really a pretty easy week, which thankfully allowed me to ease back into it. Wednesday I went on a run at Cherokee park to help prepare for the 5k I ran this morning. (Finished in a little under 30 min and ran the whole thing. I felt pretty good about that. I've got a long way to go before I'm ready for my half marathon in April though.) The run at Cherokee was what I like to call a humbling run, but I enjoyed my time there. After my run I spent some time exploring with my camera. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day.
Ok, so maybe that was more than a few. I love the fall leaves in Louisville. The leaves just don't change colors as much in MS. I have come to love Fall. I enjoyed it back home, but it's just amazing up here. I never knew how much I would like actually experiencing seasons. ha God amazes me with his seasons, and the beauty of each season in different ways. Fall might be my favorite up here. The colors never cease to amaze me. My walk around Cherokee was a refreshing time, that calmed my spirit and drew me closer to God.
I'm thankful for these refreshing couple of weeks I had because this next week is going to be crazy busy. I've got a test, lots of Greek homework, a book review, and a small paper due this week. I'm also working at the end of the week doing some photography for the school. It's going to be a hectic week but I know I'll push through it. If you read this please be praying for me. I'm trying to balance my time well so I don't get too stressed. I'll be glad when the week is over, although I have a huge project due the next week. This semester is flying by and will be over before I know it which seems crazy. I've come a long way since my crazy last minute decision last year to come to SBTS. I'm so thankful I'm up here. I'm loving my time here.
Time to get back to the reading and studying.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh man, I don't think I really knew what I was getting into when I signed up for Pennington's Greek syntax and exegesis class. I've never really had to seriously worry about passing a class, but right now I'm worried. It's not that I'm not understanding things, it's just that he gives us vocab/principle part quizzes on top of the homework that takes hours to do already. I just don't have time to focus on it all. By the time I've got my passage translated and done my study questions and thought flow diagram my brain is fried and my quiz studying doesn't happen as thoroughly as it should...and it's not like I have 3 other classes or anything. I hope the effort I put into the homework makes up for the poor quiz grades. Just looked at the grading system and thankfully the quizzes shouldn't hurt me too bad. I haven't done terrible on them, but I haven't done well either. I'll be fine, it's just a whole lot of work. I will say that it is interesting, and translating the Bible definitely makes you slow down and read it more thoroughly. It also allows you to see little nuances that you don't see as well in a translation. I'm glad I'm taking the class, but it can definitely be overwhelming. Whoever it was that told me that constantly feeling 3 weeks behind is normal for this class, you were right, and thank you for sharing so that I don't feel like a complete failure.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Life Lately
Sorry for the extreme lack of posts to anyone who follows my blog. I've been quite busy between ending camp, spending a week with my family, heading back to Louisville, moving into my apartment, starting classes, and actually having a social life. It has been busy, but great. I'll use pictures to update you on most things that have gone on in my life lately.
I had to say goodbye to my wonderful camp friends. Pictured below are the leadership girls followed by the full leadership team. I miss these people so much. They were my support system this summer, and still continue to be a support system now even though we are separated by quite a few miles. I've laughed with them, cried with them, and have just had some great bonding experiences with them. These people have a special place in my heart.
After I left camp I was home for about a week and then my parents came up to Louisville and helped me move into my apartment. (Still haven't taken pics of the apartment yet, but they will come soon.) My parents stayed for a couple days and we did some fun things.
We went to Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby:
We also went to the Louisville Slugger Museum (photo courtesy of my dad):
And took some night skyline shots of Louisville:
As a kind of welcome back party my roommates and I had a pie party...we picked the apples ourselves from some apple trees on campus...we're resourceful.
Went to yard sales with Liz and came away with some fun items such as this coke bottle holder thing and this paper lantern light strand. We also got a vacuum for a dollar...and yes it does work!
Jamie had a fun party that included...
A. Spending time with the lovely ladies of the BAJA (Stands for Becca, Ashley, Jamie, April) apartment
B. Fun games like volleyball
C. Glow-sticks courtesy of Sharon
D. A large bonfire
E. and s'mores with giant marshmallows!
Went to WorldFest with April and Ashley, which was so much fun! There were booths from a ton of different countries selling jewelry, clothing, etc. There were also lots of wonderful food choices. I had a gyro from one and then some gelato from another. It was great. I also bought a necklace from a Mexican booth. So fun.
That concludes my photo documented section. There have also been some undocumented events. A big one is that I signed up for a trip to China through my school. I can't share many details about it, but I'm super excited. I'm selling t-shirts to raise money for the trip, so if you're my facebook friend check out the group on facebook and help support my trip!
I also found out that the pastor of my church here may be leaving soon. Dr. Ezell has been nominated as president of the North American Mission Board. This was bittersweet news for me. I'm excited for him, but I'm sad to see him go. I loved his preaching, and will miss him a lot.
I'm playing intramural basketball again this semester. My team is so much fun. There are 5 girls on my team, and about 5 guys as well. This may be the most girls that have ever been on one team at SBTS. I love it. We're not in it to win...in fact we're holding a defeated record at the moment, but I'm loving my team. It's fun to play with people who aren't too intense and just enjoy the game.
I attended a party yesterday at the Duck and Goose house...named because the former owners used to own a duck and a goose. Nine guys currently live there. It was a lot of fun and I made some new friends. I also learned that you cannot have a fire outside in the city limits unless it is a cooking fire that is no larger than 3'x3'x3' I believe. ha
I've started classes which has made my life crazy busy. Greek is going to consume my life...at least it feels that way. I've been told that if I feel 3 weeks behind that's normal. Yikes. I'm taking four classes this semester, and it's not going to be an easy load, but I'll definitely learn a lot.
I have a semi-job this semester. I say semi because I'm just helping out when they need me in order to gain experience and earn a little extra money. I'm doing some freelance photography for the school, helping Devin out when he needs me. Next week I'll be working a photo booth at the fall festival, mainly taking pictures of kids in costumes. I'm looking forward to it. I'm thinking about looking into trying to get a job a Murphy's Camera if they're hiring. I figure it would be a pretty similar job to my days working at Deville Camera back home.
Well I hope you enjoyed the update on my life. I'm sure I've left some things out, but that sums up most of the major events. I'm enjoying being back in Louisville, and loving having so many opportunities to hang out with people, and meet new people. Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon of my apartment to share with you!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Rain, rain, rain, rain...thunderstorms mean no (insert camp activity here and repeat until you have gone through most activities).
I really don't have much to say. I just thought I'd share our rain song we made up. We had quite the downpour earlier this afternoon. We've had a pretty good amount of rain this summer which is crazy b/c last summer it rained like twice.
I'm on selah right now which is nice. It's always nice to have a little off time to rest.
Finished my antibiotics for my sinus infection tonight. woohoo.
Still can't believe how fast the summer is flying.
Alex made it to Virginia. Pray for him as he goes through training for journeyman and then heads to France.
Sorry this post is full of choppy thoughts that you probably don't really care to know.
Also pray for the staff here. A lot of us have been getting sick lately which is just no fun. I had some not so fun stomach issues today.
I cut my finger last night on a table. Thankfully it wasn't too bad though. Just hurt a little, but nothing a bandaid couldn't fix.
For those of you who know what I'm talking about, I'm in the process of posting pictures to the sisterhood of the traveling hand group. :)
Anyway, I'll stop rambling now.
I really don't have much to say. I just thought I'd share our rain song we made up. We had quite the downpour earlier this afternoon. We've had a pretty good amount of rain this summer which is crazy b/c last summer it rained like twice.
I'm on selah right now which is nice. It's always nice to have a little off time to rest.
Finished my antibiotics for my sinus infection tonight. woohoo.
Still can't believe how fast the summer is flying.
Alex made it to Virginia. Pray for him as he goes through training for journeyman and then heads to France.
Sorry this post is full of choppy thoughts that you probably don't really care to know.
Also pray for the staff here. A lot of us have been getting sick lately which is just no fun. I had some not so fun stomach issues today.
I cut my finger last night on a table. Thankfully it wasn't too bad though. Just hurt a little, but nothing a bandaid couldn't fix.
For those of you who know what I'm talking about, I'm in the process of posting pictures to the sisterhood of the traveling hand group. :)
Anyway, I'll stop rambling now.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Goodbyes, Women's Dinner, Campout, etc.
I hate goodbyes. I don't think I'm alone in that. They just suck. I said bye to one of my closest friends the other day. Alex has played a big role in my life. A lot of people don't understand our friendship, but that's ok. He's as close of a brother to me as he can be without actually being related to me. Anyway, I don't really feel I need to defend our friendship anymore. It is what it is, and I love him like he's my brother. He's the person who got me to camp. He also played a pretty big role in helping me figure out what I want to do with my life, and has encouraged me in my weaknesses. He annoys the crap out me sometimes, but that's ok, after all, what are brothers for. ha Anyway, we've worked together for 2 summers now at camp, and I had to drive him to the airport the other day so that he could go home and then to training for journeyman in France. It was a harder goodbye than I expected but I know that we'll always be friends even if we go through spells where we aren't in communication as much as usual. If you think about it, pray for him as he prepares to go to France for the next 2 years.
Watching Alex have to say bye to camp and all the people here made it all the more real that I'll be saying bye as well in just a couple of weeks. I feel like I talk about that a lot, but I can't help it. This place has meant so much to me. I'm going to miss these people so much. Over the past few years I've built relationships with these kids and fellow staff members, and it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. Some of the senior camper girls (just finished 9th grade), wrote Alex letters before he left, and he read them to me on the way to the airport. One of them made me cry because it is just so cool to realize how much of an impact we can have on these campers. I was a part of sending a package to one girl, and in her letter to Alex she said that she wouldn't have near as strong of a relationship with Christ if it weren't for that package we sent her. I've said it many time before, but I love that this is a relationship based camp. I feel very strongly that building relationships with people is the best way to reach them. I'm not limiting God by saying that he can't use other ways, because he can, but I definitely feel like relationships are the most effective because Christianity is all about having a relationship with Christ. Therefore, I feel that building a relationship with someone, and showing them how much you care is one of the best ways to demonstrate Christ's love for us.
Anyway, after dropping Alex off, I came back to camp to Women's Dinner, which is one of my favorite nights at camp. It wasn't quite the same for me this term because it's hard to jump from saying bye to one of your best friends to jumping around dancing and singing to songs with a bunch of girls, but it was a great way to lift my spirits. I was talking to some of the senior camper girls (Lexie and Ashley), and they were saying that women's dinner was just what the needed to lift their spirits. It really is a lot of fun. All the girls dress in pajamas and get tiaras while we leadership wear jeans and a black shirt and serve the girls. The food is delicious and it's just a fun night.
Last night was campout. I like campout, it's just the sleeping part that can be rough out here for campout. Last night wasn't too bad though because I took some benadryl and was out. I think campout is a good experience for these campers because most of them don't get outside enough. By the way, if you've never tried roasting a starburst over a fire you should try it. Trust me, it's delicious. Overall campout went smoothly. The chili judging is always interesting. Every cabin makes chili and you just never quite know what it's going to taste like. Not all the chili is hot, some are quite sweet, some are quite spicy...some cabins make up great presentations before serving the chili. It's fun, but my stomach doesn't always like it so much. ha Well, I believe it is naptime for me. Hope you enjoyed the update. Pray that these last 2 weeks go smoothly for me. It's going to be hard to let go, and say bye at the end of these 2 weeks but I know it's time. Pray for me as I travel, and readjust to being back at school.
Pictures Descriptions:
1. Alex waving the American flags we gave him before he left.
2. Me with some of my old girls at women's dinner.
3. With two of the senior camper girls, Lexie and Ashley.
4. Some of the leadership girls at campout in our matching tanks...well I didn't have a black one, so blue had to do.
Watching Alex have to say bye to camp and all the people here made it all the more real that I'll be saying bye as well in just a couple of weeks. I feel like I talk about that a lot, but I can't help it. This place has meant so much to me. I'm going to miss these people so much. Over the past few years I've built relationships with these kids and fellow staff members, and it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. Some of the senior camper girls (just finished 9th grade), wrote Alex letters before he left, and he read them to me on the way to the airport. One of them made me cry because it is just so cool to realize how much of an impact we can have on these campers. I was a part of sending a package to one girl, and in her letter to Alex she said that she wouldn't have near as strong of a relationship with Christ if it weren't for that package we sent her. I've said it many time before, but I love that this is a relationship based camp. I feel very strongly that building relationships with people is the best way to reach them. I'm not limiting God by saying that he can't use other ways, because he can, but I definitely feel like relationships are the most effective because Christianity is all about having a relationship with Christ. Therefore, I feel that building a relationship with someone, and showing them how much you care is one of the best ways to demonstrate Christ's love for us.
Anyway, after dropping Alex off, I came back to camp to Women's Dinner, which is one of my favorite nights at camp. It wasn't quite the same for me this term because it's hard to jump from saying bye to one of your best friends to jumping around dancing and singing to songs with a bunch of girls, but it was a great way to lift my spirits. I was talking to some of the senior camper girls (Lexie and Ashley), and they were saying that women's dinner was just what the needed to lift their spirits. It really is a lot of fun. All the girls dress in pajamas and get tiaras while we leadership wear jeans and a black shirt and serve the girls. The food is delicious and it's just a fun night.
Last night was campout. I like campout, it's just the sleeping part that can be rough out here for campout. Last night wasn't too bad though because I took some benadryl and was out. I think campout is a good experience for these campers because most of them don't get outside enough. By the way, if you've never tried roasting a starburst over a fire you should try it. Trust me, it's delicious. Overall campout went smoothly. The chili judging is always interesting. Every cabin makes chili and you just never quite know what it's going to taste like. Not all the chili is hot, some are quite sweet, some are quite spicy...some cabins make up great presentations before serving the chili. It's fun, but my stomach doesn't always like it so much. ha Well, I believe it is naptime for me. Hope you enjoyed the update. Pray that these last 2 weeks go smoothly for me. It's going to be hard to let go, and say bye at the end of these 2 weeks but I know it's time. Pray for me as I travel, and readjust to being back at school.
Pictures Descriptions:
1. Alex waving the American flags we gave him before he left.
2. Me with some of my old girls at women's dinner.
3. With two of the senior camper girls, Lexie and Ashley.
4. Some of the leadership girls at campout in our matching tanks...well I didn't have a black one, so blue had to do.
Monday, July 19, 2010
8 1/2 weeks gone, 3 to go... :(
I really can't believe how fast this summer is flying by. I've been here for about 8 1/2 weeks now, and I have just 3 left that are going to fly by. I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to be back here one last summer. This place has meant a lot to me, and has had a big impact on my life. It's an amazing job, but definitely not always easy. You really can go through just about every emotion in a day sometimes...maybe even an hour. I've had days that started off bad turn into one of the best days. I've had some days that have just been a roller coaster of emotions. The cool thing is that I feel like I can be real, and be myself, especially with my fellow leadership members. I will miss these people so much. Not going to think about that yet though, because I still have 3 weeks to live it up here.
Speaking of good days, last night was an incredible night of worship. It was Alex's last night to lead praise and worship, and he did a great job. I ran slides for him as usual, and it was so cool to look out and see how many kids were there singing their hearts out to God. Sunday night praise and worship nights are optional, but last night it was packed. They asked Alex not to open up the mic this summer for people to share like last summer just because it makes the night too long and emotional, but three girls came up anyway. One of them shared about how a close friend of hers died this year, and she had given up on God, but she realized she couldn't make it without God. She shared a Psalm that talked about crying out to God. Another girl this term shared last summer about how she had an eating disorder, but now she has started a blog to help other people who have eating disorders. I love the kids this term. They're so full of life, and passion. Yeah, they struggle, and aren't always the easiest kids because they're just crazy, but they're also wanting to go deeper in their relationship with God, and just like with everything else in life, they have a passion that is just awesome.
After praise and worship was over the senior camper girls (10th graders) asked Alex to come back to their compound, and have an extended praise and worship. I went back with him, and got to share some with them. It was just a neat time. We got in a little trouble for keeping them up too late, but it was worth it. I love those girls. I'm really going to miss these kids.
Today was picture day which is where I have to take pictures of all the kids holding up a slip of paper with their name and year it is for them at camp on it. It usually goes all the way through lunch and recharge (nap time), but today was the smoothest and quickest picture day ever. I actually got to have a little bit of my recharge time afterward.
Tonight I have my Selah (24 hr period off) which will be nice. I think one of my friends and I are going to go eat at this awesome Thai place in town then go see Despicable Me. I'm pretty excited. Overall today has been a surprisingly good day. I'll be shooting pictures of the senior camper girls during 4th period (4 p.m.), which will be fun. I say surprisingly good because usually picture day is a pretty rough day, and I had trouble sleeping last night. Anyway, I need to get back to walking around and taking pictures.
Speaking of good days, last night was an incredible night of worship. It was Alex's last night to lead praise and worship, and he did a great job. I ran slides for him as usual, and it was so cool to look out and see how many kids were there singing their hearts out to God. Sunday night praise and worship nights are optional, but last night it was packed. They asked Alex not to open up the mic this summer for people to share like last summer just because it makes the night too long and emotional, but three girls came up anyway. One of them shared about how a close friend of hers died this year, and she had given up on God, but she realized she couldn't make it without God. She shared a Psalm that talked about crying out to God. Another girl this term shared last summer about how she had an eating disorder, but now she has started a blog to help other people who have eating disorders. I love the kids this term. They're so full of life, and passion. Yeah, they struggle, and aren't always the easiest kids because they're just crazy, but they're also wanting to go deeper in their relationship with God, and just like with everything else in life, they have a passion that is just awesome.
After praise and worship was over the senior camper girls (10th graders) asked Alex to come back to their compound, and have an extended praise and worship. I went back with him, and got to share some with them. It was just a neat time. We got in a little trouble for keeping them up too late, but it was worth it. I love those girls. I'm really going to miss these kids.
Today was picture day which is where I have to take pictures of all the kids holding up a slip of paper with their name and year it is for them at camp on it. It usually goes all the way through lunch and recharge (nap time), but today was the smoothest and quickest picture day ever. I actually got to have a little bit of my recharge time afterward.
Tonight I have my Selah (24 hr period off) which will be nice. I think one of my friends and I are going to go eat at this awesome Thai place in town then go see Despicable Me. I'm pretty excited. Overall today has been a surprisingly good day. I'll be shooting pictures of the senior camper girls during 4th period (4 p.m.), which will be fun. I say surprisingly good because usually picture day is a pretty rough day, and I had trouble sleeping last night. Anyway, I need to get back to walking around and taking pictures.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
R.I.P. Laptop
Ok, so my laptop isn't totally dead, and I'm actually quite lucky that it's not. It slipped off my desk chair the other night in the leadership office onto a nice hard floor. The noise was not pretty. It's a good thing I had my time off the day before so I wasn't as exhausted and therefore was able to handle the problem fairly calmly. And by fairly calmly I mean I looked calm, but inside my head a few choice words might have been thought, but I didn't start crying. :/ It was working ok after the drop, but then yesterday I got what is known as the "black screen of death." Last night I made the hour trek to Austin for an appointment at the Apple store. The man who helped me was really nice and apparently helped start the Apple store in MS that is just a couple minutes away from my house. Random. He was able to save my hard drive which was very good news for me, so I do at least have all my data. There was no external damage to the computer which meant that he didn't have to put that it was dropped, and therefore, saved me a lot of money. So basically in about 4-5 days and $280 later I'll have my laptop back and be able to put my hard drive back in. In the meantime I was able to buy a case thing for my hard drive which allows me to pull files off of it. Very good news since all of my photos for this term at camp are on there. Overall it wound up being much better than it could have been. I was bracing myself for the worst this isn't too bad, and it maybe it will fix some other little problems I was having.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
It's amazing what a little sleep can do. I had my selah (24 hr. period off) from 6:30 last night to 6:30 tonight and it was a great selah. It was definitely much needed. Last night pretty much all of us who were on selah (14 of us) went to Chuy's (a restaurant in Austin) to eat and then went to Amy's Ice Cream afterward. I had never been to either place (both were great), and the group was a lot of fun. Then today I just had some time to myself. I slept in then went into town. Got some laundry done, made a walmart run, cleaned my part of the cabin, vacuumed the cabin and cleaned the sink. I also explored the historic district of Marble Falls which is a really neat area. I bought my mom a birthday gift at this cool antique and gift store. I'm pretty proud of my purchase. I had a venti iced caramel macchiato right before coming back to camp and I still feel jittery from it. It really was a great selah. I needed the time to relax and just some time to myself. I feel like a completely different person than I was Sunday night. Now it's time to finish this term strong. :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
It has been an exhausting week and it's not over. This has been one of those weeks that has it's emotional ups and downs. I know my way to Dell Children's Hospital now. Not something I particularly wanted to know. Good news is that everyone is ok now. I don't think anything that has happened could have really been prevented. It's just been a bit of a rough term. I haven't had much of a break this week. Normally I have a chance to nap during the day when we have what is called "recharge" after lunch. This week though there just hasn't been time for one reason or another. I had to cover phones one day, then there was the picture day from hell (and started my period that day), went into town today...hopefully tomorrow I can rest a little. I will finally get a real break monday night to tuesday and it will be a much appreciated break. Sometimes those are the best. I hate when I become so exhausted but it does make me appreciate my break even more. It really hasn't been that bad of a week, I'm just a little tired and moody. I always tell people though that I would rather experience a bad day at camp than be just about anywhere else. I really do love this place a whole lot. And while parts of this week have been pretty rough, I gave my talk in front of camp last saturday and it went far better than I ever imagined it would. Kids applauded halfway through it and so many people came up to me afterward telling me how much they loved it. That meant more to me than many of them imagined because I really did share my heart up there on that stage, and doing that is just not something I do often. I really am thankful I had the opportunity to do that even if I get a little stage fright. It was definitely worth it. Knowing that I have the opportunity to impact kids really is what keeps me coming back here. Hearing that I made a difference means more to me than these kids know. Anyway, I'm exhausted. I love my leadership friends. They just brought me back a strawberry limeade. Random thing to share, I know, but it's nice knowing that we have each other's backs. Anyway, on that note I need to finish my job and go to bed. Sorry for being kind of rambly.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Camp: The place where I'm most myself.
I apologize for the lack of updates for anyone who is actually reading this.
Camp has gotten off to a great start. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better first term. The kids were amazing, and the people I work with are wonderful. As the title says, this place is a place where I feel like I'm most myself. There are many reasons for that. One is that I'm just in my element: A. I'm outside; B. I'm working with kids; and C. I have a camera around my neck at all times.
The support of the leadership team as a whole is great. Many of us have returned from last year, and I feel we've done a great job of welcoming in those who are new to leadership. "Can't tell anyone, don't tell anyone, won't tell anyone, I'm on the black team!" I love my leadership team. Being on leadership doesn't just mean doing your individual job such as taking pictures. There's so much more to it than that, and I love that about leadership. It's hard at times, but I love it. Already this summer I've lifted benches, moved tables, done trash run, answered phones, filed paperwork, planted plants, laid sod, rode a horse, lead a D-group, etc. We're hear to serve, and I hope I've been doing a good job of that. It can be easy to take advantage of the position. I have to remind myself daily why I'm here. First I'm here to glorify God, and second I'm here for the kids, not myself.
Another reason I feel most myself here is because I feel free to be me. I honestly feel that the majority of people here aren't fake, and I don't feel like people here are bad about judging others because we all have our own issues and we know it. Yeah sure sometimes we put on a happy front for the kids, but if you ask another staff member how they are doing, and you really mean it, they will tell you. And along the same line, if someone asks how I'm doing I feel like I don't have to just say "fine." For the most part I feel like people genuinely care here.
I've grown so much in my summers here. I've gained confidence, learned new skills, and stepped out of my comfort zone in many ways. I've learned to try new things, and do things that scare me. CBS is a places that stretches me. I go through a wide range of emotions, but through it all I learn to trust God more. It's so reassuring to know that God is sovereign. My photography skills, phone answering techniques, or ability to set things up, and run camp when I'm duty aren't going to keep a kid here or keep a kid away. It's not in my control at all, and I'm so thankful for that because I know I make my fair share of mistakes.
Anyway, camp is going great and if you want to see any pictures, I've posted a few from first term on facebook so check them out. Oh and please keep in me in your prayers because saturday I'm speaking in front of all of camp, and I'm a bit nervous. Thanks!
Camp has gotten off to a great start. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better first term. The kids were amazing, and the people I work with are wonderful. As the title says, this place is a place where I feel like I'm most myself. There are many reasons for that. One is that I'm just in my element: A. I'm outside; B. I'm working with kids; and C. I have a camera around my neck at all times.
The support of the leadership team as a whole is great. Many of us have returned from last year, and I feel we've done a great job of welcoming in those who are new to leadership. "Can't tell anyone, don't tell anyone, won't tell anyone, I'm on the black team!" I love my leadership team. Being on leadership doesn't just mean doing your individual job such as taking pictures. There's so much more to it than that, and I love that about leadership. It's hard at times, but I love it. Already this summer I've lifted benches, moved tables, done trash run, answered phones, filed paperwork, planted plants, laid sod, rode a horse, lead a D-group, etc. We're hear to serve, and I hope I've been doing a good job of that. It can be easy to take advantage of the position. I have to remind myself daily why I'm here. First I'm here to glorify God, and second I'm here for the kids, not myself.
Another reason I feel most myself here is because I feel free to be me. I honestly feel that the majority of people here aren't fake, and I don't feel like people here are bad about judging others because we all have our own issues and we know it. Yeah sure sometimes we put on a happy front for the kids, but if you ask another staff member how they are doing, and you really mean it, they will tell you. And along the same line, if someone asks how I'm doing I feel like I don't have to just say "fine." For the most part I feel like people genuinely care here.
I've grown so much in my summers here. I've gained confidence, learned new skills, and stepped out of my comfort zone in many ways. I've learned to try new things, and do things that scare me. CBS is a places that stretches me. I go through a wide range of emotions, but through it all I learn to trust God more. It's so reassuring to know that God is sovereign. My photography skills, phone answering techniques, or ability to set things up, and run camp when I'm duty aren't going to keep a kid here or keep a kid away. It's not in my control at all, and I'm so thankful for that because I know I make my fair share of mistakes.
Anyway, camp is going great and if you want to see any pictures, I've posted a few from first term on facebook so check them out. Oh and please keep in me in your prayers because saturday I'm speaking in front of all of camp, and I'm a bit nervous. Thanks!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Attack of the 3 Year Old
I have many more things I could write about right now seeing as we just finished up our training weeks, but I feel that I must share the hilarious event that happened to me today in the laundromat instead. So as usual our staff invaded the laundromat on our day off today. There were quite a few of us leadership and counselors in there doing laundry and just hanging out. As we're all talking and folding clothes a little 3 year old hispanic girl begins to run around the laundromat screaming. She was really quite cute, and so when she ran by us I waved at her. She looked at me with big eyes then ran around a few more times, finally stopping again at me and releasing her red balloon into the air. Seeing as she couldn't reach the string I decided to be nice and reach up and give it back to her...mistake. She then proceeded to beat me with her balloon, backing me into the row of dryers as I and every other staff member in there are laughing hysterically. After she finished beating me she kept releasing her balloon and getting me to hand it back to her. Then she started saying something which I couldn't quite decipher but eventually figured out she wanted candy from the vending machine. I told her to go ask her mom for candy so she ran off, but she came back and pulled me over to the machine. When I told her I couldn't give her candy she gave me an indian burn and then pinched me and dug her fingers into my arm leaving red marks. Not okay. It was actually quite painful. Who knew such a cute little girl could be so vicious. Why her mom was letting her run up and ask a stranger for candy, I have no idea. I was taught as a child never to take candy from strangers, but I guess she was taught differently. My laundromat experience today was quite the adventure.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Football MVP...What?
Orientation week is almost over and I'm pretty exhausted...kids aren't even here yet...but it's been fun. I love that I get to experience so many unique things at camp. Here are just a few things I've experienced since I've been here: Sanding (power tools are fun) tables in the crafts shed, driving a bus, helped organize the crafts shed, learned to ride a horse, got to be Lone Star (my team) legend (pictures and further explanation to come in a later post), did some country two-stepping, witnessed some leadership guys shearing llamas, painted rails, helped design sets for theme nights, helped clean out the oasis snack shack, sodded grass and planted plants for the new putt-putt course (yes you read that right...putt-putt course at camp), helped set up and take down sound equipment multiple times, lead some small group times, witnessed some beautiful sunsets and stars, am now first aid and cpr certified, went down the zip, shot some archery, picked plums and ate them straight off a tree, and was considered the mvp of the winning old school team in the rookie vs old school girls' flag football game...yeah camp is pretty awesome, and I'm sure I've left out quite a few things.
Yes you read that last thing on the list correctly, hence the title of this post. I was actually considered the MVP of my flag football team today. I love the rookie vs. old school girl counselor's flag football game. It's so much fun. Apparently I make quite the intense face when I'm playing and then just break out into my smile as soon as the play is over. I laughed when someone told me that because I know they're right. Hey, I get intense in competition. It's fun. I was able to make some pretty good stops on the fastest girl on the other team. Stick me running on defense in flag football and I have fun. Especially today. It was probably the best I've played. Quite fun. Here's a picture of our team acting fierce.
Yes you read that last thing on the list correctly, hence the title of this post. I was actually considered the MVP of my flag football team today. I love the rookie vs. old school girl counselor's flag football game. It's so much fun. Apparently I make quite the intense face when I'm playing and then just break out into my smile as soon as the play is over. I laughed when someone told me that because I know they're right. Hey, I get intense in competition. It's fun. I was able to make some pretty good stops on the fastest girl on the other team. Stick me running on defense in flag football and I have fun. Especially today. It was probably the best I've played. Quite fun. Here's a picture of our team acting fierce.
Monday, May 24, 2010
You'd think by the 3rd summer I'd be used to the craziness that is camp, but it still overwhelms me sometimes. Today has been one of those crazy overwhelming days. We welcomed in all the counselors today and there are so many new faces. Way more new faces than old ones. I'm excited about getting to know new people, but it always overwhelms me at first, and this year I don't have my girls that have been here since my first summer. I'm really going to miss Morgan, Anna, and Amanda this summer. They were my support system. It's weird without them here. And I just feel old. It's harder to connect with people when you're in grad school and they're college freshmen. Weird. Well I'd write more but I also forgot how exhausting camp can be, plus it's time to call one of those girls I'm going to miss having here this summer. Goodnight and more to come later.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Well, I'm here...at camp that is. I've already cried once. Not a bad cry really, just a release. We girls tend to do that sometimes. For some reason we especially seem to do that at camp. At least I know that's true for most of us on leadership. Something about this place just brings out emotions in me that I didn't even realize were there, and needed releasing. It's a bit hard to explain. We had leadership D-group time last night to prepare us for leading D-groups.
It seems that most of us are coming here this summer in a place where we're already broken. A lot of times it happens that God breaks us during our time here, but also restores us. It's hard, but so worth it. Well this summer so many of us are in a place where we're already broken and seeking that restoration and peace that only God can give. Pray for us. We need it. It's amazing the trust we already have with each other, and I'm thankful for that. It's one of the reasons I'm back. One of many. I really feel that it's going to be a great summer...not easy, but great nonetheless.
Prayer Requests:
• Healing for those who are coming to camp hurting.
• My sinuses and the health of everyone working.
• Servant attitudes
• Communication and community
• Consistent quiet times
• Counselors come monday, so all that goes along with that...meeting them, training, adjustments, etc.
It seems that most of us are coming here this summer in a place where we're already broken. A lot of times it happens that God breaks us during our time here, but also restores us. It's hard, but so worth it. Well this summer so many of us are in a place where we're already broken and seeking that restoration and peace that only God can give. Pray for us. We need it. It's amazing the trust we already have with each other, and I'm thankful for that. It's one of the reasons I'm back. One of many. I really feel that it's going to be a great summer...not easy, but great nonetheless.
Prayer Requests:
• Healing for those who are coming to camp hurting.
• My sinuses and the health of everyone working.
• Servant attitudes
• Communication and community
• Consistent quiet times
• Counselors come monday, so all that goes along with that...meeting them, training, adjustments, etc.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This will be my 3rd and most likely final summer at Camp Balcones Springs. I leave in the morning for leadership training and will be there until Aug. 8th. I'll be working as photographer. I just want to take the time to share a few prayer requests before I hit the road early in the morning.
• Travel (11ish hrs of driving to get there)
• Servant attitude of leadership team (myself included)-it's easy to take advantage of your status as leadership and forget that your role should be there to serve.
• Safety of kids and staff
• That God would use me to reach kids and counselors.
• That I will be a good example of a leader.
• Patience-it can wear thin as the summer goes on.
• That I would stay disciplined in my Bible study.-It can be hard when you're constantly pouring out, but not getting poured into.
• Full Time Staff-that they would continue to take the camp in a direction that honors and gives glory to God.
• Attitudes-along the same line as patience...it gets hard working so closely with a group all summer. Just pray for our group dynamics, and that we won't have too much petty bickering, especially amongst our leadership team.
I'm sure there are others, and I will continue to try to update during the summer. Can't promise how frequent it will be. Oh and feel free to write! I love mail!
Allison Rushing-Leadership
104 Balcones Springs Dr.
Marble Falls, TX 78654
• Travel (11ish hrs of driving to get there)
• Servant attitude of leadership team (myself included)-it's easy to take advantage of your status as leadership and forget that your role should be there to serve.
• Safety of kids and staff
• That God would use me to reach kids and counselors.
• That I will be a good example of a leader.
• Patience-it can wear thin as the summer goes on.
• That I would stay disciplined in my Bible study.-It can be hard when you're constantly pouring out, but not getting poured into.
• Full Time Staff-that they would continue to take the camp in a direction that honors and gives glory to God.
• Attitudes-along the same line as patience...it gets hard working so closely with a group all summer. Just pray for our group dynamics, and that we won't have too much petty bickering, especially amongst our leadership team.
I'm sure there are others, and I will continue to try to update during the summer. Can't promise how frequent it will be. Oh and feel free to write! I love mail!
Allison Rushing-Leadership
104 Balcones Springs Dr.
Marble Falls, TX 78654
Monday, May 17, 2010
Spiritual Gift or Spiritual Burden?
I'm not sure what my opinion of spiritual gift tests is, or how much stock to put in them, but I recently took one. My gift(s) are mercy and service. I pretty much knew that about myself without taking a test. Sometimes, though, I feel like mercy can be more of a burden than a gift.
Tonight was one of those times. I'm an empathetic person, especially with people I know well, and with someone I've known since first grade it just drains me. I look back on our lives and wonder when exactly it was that she chose her path and I chose mine...well I know when I chose mine. I chose my path when I was eight and became a Christian, but I just often wonder what made her chose her path and why wasn't I able to stop it.
I know I don't need to blame myself, and that it's not in my control at all, but it just hurts me to see any of my friends wasting their lives and getting hurt time and time again because they find their value in men and the world. I feel like her heart is hardened to Christianity and I so hope that I'm wrong. I don't know if I've explained well at all what I'm feeling. Maybe someone else understands.
Tonight was one of those times. I'm an empathetic person, especially with people I know well, and with someone I've known since first grade it just drains me. I look back on our lives and wonder when exactly it was that she chose her path and I chose mine...well I know when I chose mine. I chose my path when I was eight and became a Christian, but I just often wonder what made her chose her path and why wasn't I able to stop it.
I know I don't need to blame myself, and that it's not in my control at all, but it just hurts me to see any of my friends wasting their lives and getting hurt time and time again because they find their value in men and the world. I feel like her heart is hardened to Christianity and I so hope that I'm wrong. I don't know if I've explained well at all what I'm feeling. Maybe someone else understands.
Poison Ivy???
I know that no one reading this really wants to hear about any rash I may have but this is just baffling me. When I was home over Christmas break I developed a poison ivy like rash on my legs and arms. I had no idea where it came from. I thought it might have been from exploring the trails through the woods at my now ex's house, however, I'm home again and I have another poison ivy looking rash. So obviously it's not from his house. I'm thinking it might be my dogs. We apparently do have some poison ivy around my house. I know I haven't touched it but I'm sure my dogs have probably rolled around in it and then they jump all over me. hmmm It's a mystery. I never had this happen until Christmas break. I mean I have gotten poison ivy before but not from times where I've just been home.
New Blog
So I decided it was time to start a new blog. I haven't deleted my old one, but I felt it was time for a fresh start. The old one was started in college, and I've changed a lot since I started it. I like being able to go back and see how I've changed, but like I said, I want a fresh start.
I want to kick this blog off by talking about how wonderful my hallmates (and honorary hallmates) from this semester are. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without them. We've been through some crazy stuff together this semester, and I'm so thankful for the wonderful support system of these girls. Through heartache, answered prayers, laughter, and general craziness, we've been there for each other and seen how God is sovereign through it all. I'm looking forward to living off campus, but I'm really going to miss our hall. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the future of each one of us.
A few pictures of the girls from the semester:
I want to kick this blog off by talking about how wonderful my hallmates (and honorary hallmates) from this semester are. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without them. We've been through some crazy stuff together this semester, and I'm so thankful for the wonderful support system of these girls. Through heartache, answered prayers, laughter, and general craziness, we've been there for each other and seen how God is sovereign through it all. I'm looking forward to living off campus, but I'm really going to miss our hall. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the future of each one of us.
A few pictures of the girls from the semester:





Those are just a few pictures of the amazing girls I've gotten to live with and call my friends. :)
P.S. If anyone can help me change my title font I'd greatly appreciate it. The title font is bothering me, and I'm apparently being dumb and forgetting everything I've learned.
Edit: Nevermind figured out the font stuff. It was just buried in the middle of the html so I was overlooking it.
Edit Again: Having formatting issues that are about to drive me insane.
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