Monday, March 14, 2011


Well, it looks like the third time is the charm for me when it comes to trips this summer. After two trips falling through for this summer, my third try looks like it's working out and I'm excited about it. My home church is helping build a community in Haiti-find out more here: they are taking a group of high school students, including my sister, on a trip in June to help with the building. After my previous trips fell through, I talked to my mom and she suggested look at trips through our home church, and thought of the idea that they might need people to go on the Haiti trip, plus she would just feel more comfortable with my sister going if I was there as well. She talked to the youth minister for me since I don't know him at all, and then I contacted him through email after it sounded like they could use me. I just heard back from him, and got the official yes. I've participated in many mission trips, but I've never been a chaperon for one. I'm both excited and nervous. This is a new type of leadership for me. There are multiple ways that you can be praying if you are reading this. 1. That God will use me to make a difference in the lives of the youth on this trip. 2. That we will make a difference in the lives of the people in Haiti. 3. That I will have confidence in God's ability to use me as a leader on this trip. Thanks!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


It's amazing how the little things can make such a difference sometimes. The sun has finally come out of hiding, and I'm so thankful. I think God knew I needed a little sunshine to knock the edge off my stress and funk of the other night. The combination of sunshine and listening to Matt Wertz' new music that he keeps putting up through ping on itunes has put me in a great mood today in spite of the fact that I've got multiple midterms this week and a lot of reading. By the way, if you've never listened to Matt Wertz or just didn't know he had new stuff coming out you should check him out. He's one of my favorites. I'll be going to his concert in Nashville in May...right before finals. Might not be the best decision, but I'm excited. His new cd comes out tuesday, I believe.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Strike 2...3rd time is the charm?

Today I just found out that my 2nd attempt to go on a mission trip in June fell through. It's frustrating being in an area that I know is full of missions minded people, but trips keep falling through because there aren't enough people signing up. I know there are various reasons, but it's still frustrating. I really want to go this summer, and I know God is sovereign and will place me where I'm supposed to go. Speaking of, it looks like I might get to go to Haiti. Hoping that the 3rd try is the charm and not strike 3. My home church is taking a group from the senior high to Haiti, including my sister, and I might get to help chaperone the trip. It's looking like it's going to happen, so if you read this and could pray for me and this opportunity I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Yep, you get two post from me in one day. Sometimes I just need a good cry. I don't know exactly what triggered it, but I just hit burnout tonight. Not from school necessarily, although that does play into it, but I'm just homesick/campsick/friendsick...basically missing everyone who isn't here. I love Louisville, I really do, but tonight is just one of those nights where I miss home and my best friends from MC. I could use a Fried Pickles Variety Hour (don't ask or do if you want but it's one of those you had to be there things) or a Lindy, Lolly, Ally pool day. I could also use some sunshine. I'm ready to live outside again. Tired of being cooped up. Sorry about my whininess. As you can see from my earlier post, I have great friends here, but there are just times when homesickness sets in.
Miss you crazy people:

Life Lately

Every now and then I like to do what I call a "Life Lately" post where I give you an update on my life mainly through pictures. I'm really bad about keeping up with my blog, so sometimes I just do a massive post like now, when I should be reading for my class tonight instead.

Ever been to a party that was busted by the police...when there was no alcohol/drugs/etc. involved? I can now say I have. Some girls from my church threw a really fun mardi gras dance party saturday night that they called mardiglow because they covered the room in black trash bag material and had black lights and glow sticks. It was pretty awesome, but the neighbors called the police because the music was up too loud. First time I've ever been to a cop busted party and it was a seminary/church party no less. ha (No pics from this event as I have yet to upload them.) Apparently black lights was the theme of the weekend because friday night I went and played laser tag with a fun group for my friend Jerod's birthday. We had fun dominating the little kids. ha I came in 2nd out of about 50 in the team game. Our group had the top 5 spots. We show no mercy when it comes to laser tag.

I've really enjoyed getting to be crafty lately...and by crafty I don't mean sneaky/tricky. I mean that I've gotten to put my art skills to use. I just joined a Bible study small group through Highview's campus church that meets on Thursday nights. Since we didn't have our books yet, we decorated journals this past thursday. I was definitely in my element and really liked the way mine turned out.
I also got to paint recently. I was in the mood to paint and had a little time last weekend so I pulled out my painting supplies and came out with this, based off a fall shot in Cherokee that I took. Below is my painting and my shot that I loosely based it off of.

My roommate, Sharon, has also been in a project mood lately, and she has started a little garden. I took a few shots of it, and the plants have grown even more since then. We'll have to transfer them to actual pots before too long.

I've actually felt like I have a decent social life this semester which has been nice. Some of my friends live in a house near campus and threw a fiesta party recently. You can check out some of the fun from that party over at my friend Jessica Fregoe's blog. There was some fun dancing along with some hair whipping action.

Speaking of parties, both my roommate, Liz, and I, celebrated our birthdays earlier this semester. We went ice-skating and hung out at the apartment for mine and we had a British tea party for hers.

Almost forgot to mention our little Valentine's party/hangout. My friend Monica has been really into making virgin drinks lately so on Valentine's she had some of us over and made us all some tasty drinks.

Well that pretty well sums up a lot of my social life so far this semester. Hope you enjoyed the update/pictures. Now back to reading for class tonight. -Allison-