Monday, May 24, 2010


You'd think by the 3rd summer I'd be used to the craziness that is camp, but it still overwhelms me sometimes. Today has been one of those crazy overwhelming days. We welcomed in all the counselors today and there are so many new faces. Way more new faces than old ones. I'm excited about getting to know new people, but it always overwhelms me at first, and this year I don't have my girls that have been here since my first summer. I'm really going to miss Morgan, Anna, and Amanda this summer. They were my support system. It's weird without them here. And I just feel old. It's harder to connect with people when you're in grad school and they're college freshmen. Weird. Well I'd write more but I also forgot how exhausting camp can be, plus it's time to call one of those girls I'm going to miss having here this summer. Goodnight and more to come later.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well, I'm camp that is. I've already cried once. Not a bad cry really, just a release. We girls tend to do that sometimes. For some reason we especially seem to do that at camp. At least I know that's true for most of us on leadership. Something about this place just brings out emotions in me that I didn't even realize were there, and needed releasing. It's a bit hard to explain. We had leadership D-group time last night to prepare us for leading D-groups. 

It seems that most of us are coming here this summer in a place where we're already broken. A lot of times it happens that God breaks us during our time here, but also restores us. It's hard, but so worth it. Well this summer so many of us are in a place where we're already broken and seeking that restoration and peace that only God can give. Pray for us. We need it. It's amazing the trust we already have with each other, and I'm thankful for that. It's one of the reasons I'm back. One of many. I really feel that it's going to be a great summer...not easy, but great nonetheless. 

Prayer Requests:
• Healing for those who are coming to camp hurting.
• My sinuses and the health of everyone working.
• Servant attitudes
• Communication and community
• Consistent quiet times
• Counselors come monday, so all that goes along with that...meeting them, training, adjustments, etc.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This will be my 3rd and most likely final summer at Camp Balcones Springs. I leave in the morning for leadership training and will be there until Aug. 8th. I'll be working as photographer. I just want to take the time to share a few prayer requests before I hit the road early in the morning.
• Travel (11ish hrs of driving to get there)
• Servant attitude of leadership team (myself included)-it's easy to take advantage of your status as leadership and forget that your role should be there to serve.
• Safety of kids and staff
• That God would use me to reach kids and counselors.
• That I will be a good example of a leader.
• Patience-it can wear thin as the summer goes on.
• That I would stay disciplined in my Bible study.-It can be hard when you're constantly pouring out, but not getting poured into.
• Full Time Staff-that they would continue to take the camp in a direction that honors and gives glory to God.
• Attitudes-along the same line as gets hard working so closely with a group all summer. Just pray for our group dynamics, and that we won't have too much petty bickering, especially amongst our leadership team.
I'm sure there are others, and I will continue to try to update during the summer. Can't promise how frequent it will be. Oh and feel free to write! I love mail!
Allison Rushing-Leadership
104 Balcones Springs Dr.
Marble Falls, TX 78654

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spiritual Gift or Spiritual Burden?

I'm not sure what my opinion of spiritual gift tests is, or how much stock to put in them, but I recently took one. My gift(s) are mercy and service. I pretty much knew that about myself without taking a test. Sometimes, though, I feel like mercy can be more of a burden than a gift. 
Tonight was one of those times. I'm an empathetic person, especially with people I know well, and with someone I've known since first grade it just drains me. I look back on our lives and wonder when exactly it was that she chose her path and I chose mine...well I know when I chose mine. I chose my path when I was eight and became a Christian, but I just often wonder what made her chose her path and why wasn't I able to stop it. 
I know I don't need to blame myself, and that it's not in my control at all, but it just hurts me to see any of my friends wasting their lives and getting hurt time and time again because they find their value in men and the world. I feel like her heart is hardened to Christianity and I so hope that I'm wrong. I don't know if I've explained well at all what I'm feeling. Maybe someone else understands.

Poison Ivy???

I know that no one reading this really wants to hear about any rash I may have but this is just baffling me. When I was home over Christmas break I developed a poison ivy like rash on my legs and arms. I had no idea where it came from. I thought it might have been from exploring the trails through the woods at my now ex's house, however, I'm home again and I have another poison ivy looking rash. So obviously it's not from his house. I'm thinking it might be my dogs. We apparently do have some poison ivy around my house. I know I haven't touched it but I'm sure my dogs have probably rolled around in it and then they jump all over me. hmmm It's a mystery. I never had this happen until Christmas break. I mean I have gotten poison ivy before but not from times where I've just been home.

New Blog

So I decided it was time to start a new blog. I haven't deleted my old one, but I felt it was time for a fresh start. The old one was started in college, and I've changed a lot since I started it. I like being able to go back and see how I've changed, but like I said, I want a fresh start.

I want to kick this blog off by talking about how wonderful my hallmates (and honorary hallmates) from this semester are. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without them. We've been through some crazy stuff together this semester, and I'm so thankful for the wonderful support system of these girls. Through heartache, answered prayers, laughter, and general craziness, we've been there for each other and seen how God is sovereign through it all. I'm looking forward to living off campus, but I'm really going to miss our hall. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the future of each one of us.

A few pictures of the girls from the semester:

Those are just a few pictures of the amazing girls I've gotten to live with and call my friends. :)

P.S. If anyone can help me change my title font I'd greatly appreciate it. The title font is bothering me, and I'm apparently being dumb and forgetting everything I've learned. 
Edit: Nevermind figured out the font stuff. It was just buried in the middle of the html so I was overlooking it. 

Edit Again: Having formatting issues that are about to drive me insane.