Monday, May 17, 2010

New Blog

So I decided it was time to start a new blog. I haven't deleted my old one, but I felt it was time for a fresh start. The old one was started in college, and I've changed a lot since I started it. I like being able to go back and see how I've changed, but like I said, I want a fresh start.

I want to kick this blog off by talking about how wonderful my hallmates (and honorary hallmates) from this semester are. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without them. We've been through some crazy stuff together this semester, and I'm so thankful for the wonderful support system of these girls. Through heartache, answered prayers, laughter, and general craziness, we've been there for each other and seen how God is sovereign through it all. I'm looking forward to living off campus, but I'm really going to miss our hall. I'm excited to see what God has in store for the future of each one of us.

A few pictures of the girls from the semester:

Those are just a few pictures of the amazing girls I've gotten to live with and call my friends. :)

P.S. If anyone can help me change my title font I'd greatly appreciate it. The title font is bothering me, and I'm apparently being dumb and forgetting everything I've learned. 
Edit: Nevermind figured out the font stuff. It was just buried in the middle of the html so I was overlooking it. 

Edit Again: Having formatting issues that are about to drive me insane.


  1. Ok, log into your blogger account and go to your settings. Then click on layout --> fonts and colors. Now, scroll down to blog title font and choose any of the six fonts there. You may have to delve a little deeper if you want a different font. Let me know how that works for you. Hope all is well.

    - Weems

  2. I wanted a font not listed there. ha I'm a nerd I know, but I figured it out. It was just buried in the html and I was overlooking it. Thanks though!

  3. so, you figured it out? the only thing I could find was in the style sheet, which I don't feel competent enough with to be giving you advice. I'm pretty nerdy too, I tried to open it in dreamweaver.
    - Weems
